Q: How do I post links to library database articles on Blackboard?

Questions: How do I post links to library database articles on Blackboard?

To create persistent links that can be used from off-campus, add the following code (if it is not there already) to the front of the "persistent" or "permanent" link/url supplied by the database:

Most of our databases provide a "persistent link" or "permanent link" to article records and other items. Giving this link to students is a great way to help them access library resources with no violation of copyright or licensing agreements. Often, however, the link supplied by the database does not work when you are off the campus network.

For example, if the item's persistent link is http://www.jstor.org/stable/20683124, students could access the item from home with this link:


Instructors can use this method to post direct links to articles from Blackboard, or through emails.

For more information, click here.

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